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Pollinator Pathway Mix (LOCAL PRODUCT) 5 lb

Pollinator Pathway Mix (LOCAL PRODUCT) 5 lb

$ 76.02

From Buzz Cover Crop Seeds in Philomath.

A diverse, low-growing flowering mix of perennials and reseeding annuals designed for planting in between vineyard rows or under orchard trees - or for areas that will be fallow for a few years or that don't really need to be a mowed lawn.  (Not a conventional short-rotation cover crop.)  5 lb bags.

Buzz website description:

"Maximize functional biodiversity, reduce mowing, and improve soil quality with our signature Pollinator Pathway. A proprietary mix of 19 hearty and short-statured perennial and annual forbs and two grasses -Pollinator Pathway is a beneficial bug buffet! Flowers include Willamette Valley natives, medicinal and edible herbs and pollinator-friendly flowers designed to tolerate traffic and drought. Grasses are clumping, not running, so they are less likely to wander under vines or trees. The legume component is small, not a net provider of N. For use in moderate to high vigor sites or in alternate-row tillage systems. Supplemental clovers can be provided as desired to enhance N fixing potential. 30% forbs, 70% grasses (sheeps fescue, chewings fescue). Seed rate: 25-80 lb/acre (1 lb per 500-1750 square feet).  Sow at 1/4” in a well-prepared seed bed in spring or fall."

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